594 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
OPC (Operation Complete) status bit, 67, 69
OPEE (Operation Status Enable Register), 105
operating configuration, 71, 299
operating state, 78
operation complete, 72
operation status condition register, 107
Operation Status Condition Register
(:OPERegister:CONDition), 107, 522
operation status conditions occurred, 82
Operation Status Enable Register (OPEE), 105
operation status event register, 109
Operation Status Event Register
(:OPERegister[:EVENt]), 109, 521
operation, math, 182
operations for function, 186
OPERegister:CONDition (Operation Status
Condition Register), 107, 522
OPERegister[:EVENt] (Operation Status Event
Register), 109, 521
OPT (Option Identification), 73
optional syntax terms, 56
options, 73
order of output, 408
oscilloscope external trigger, 171
oscilloscope models, 3
oscilloscope rate, 131
output messages ready, 82
output queue, 72, 516
output queue clear, 65
output sequence, 408
overlapped commands, 548
overload, 156, 178
Overload Event Enable Register (OVL), 111
Overload Event Register (OVLR), 113
overload frame count (CAN), 279
overload protection, 111, 113
overshoot of waveform, 231
overvoltage, 156, 178
OVL (Overload Event Enable Register), 111
OVLR (Overload Event Register), 113
OVLR bit, 102, 107, 109
P1080L24HZ, 382, 386
P1080L25HZ, 382, 386
P480L60HZ, 382, 386
P720L60HZ, 382, 386
PAL, 382, 386
PALette commands, 445
palette for hardcopy, 200
palette for image, 270
PAL-M, 382, 386
parameters for delay measurement, 225
parametric measurements, 218
parity, 394
parity bits, LIN serial decode bus, 285
PARity commands, 445
parser, 88, 545
pass, self test, 84
path information, recall, 260
path information, save, 271
pattern, 321, 326, 328, 338, 356, 357, 358,
pattern and edge, 321
PATTern commands, 445
pattern duration, 336, 337, 348, 349
pattern length, 327
pattern trigger, 321
pattern triggering, 313
pattern width, 377
peak detect, 132
peak detect acquisition type, 124, 403
peaks, 182
peak-to-peak vertical value measurement, 251
pending operations, 72
percent of waveform overshoot, 231
percent thresholds, 223
period measured to calculate phase, 234
period measurement, 218, 233
persistence, waveform, 161, 168
phase measured between channels, 234
phase measurements, 242
pixel memory, 169
pixel memory, saving display to, 104
PLL Locked bit, 100, 107
pod, 420
pod, stop displaying, 94
points, 130, 413, 415
POINts commands, 445
points in waveform data, 403
polarity, 384, 395
POLarity commands, 446
polarity for glitch trigger, 351
PON (Power On) status bit, 67, 69
position, 208, 305, 310
POSition commands, 446
position cursors, 484, 485
position in delayed view, 310
positive glitch trigger polarity, 351
positive pulse width, 236
positive slope, 345, 373
positive TV trigger polarity, 384
positive width, 236
preamble data, 403, 417
preset conditions, 75
preshoot measured on waveform, 235
previously stored configuration, 74
print command, 115
print job, start, 202
print query, 492
printer, 472
printer driver for hardcopy, 477
printer hardcopy format, 474
printer, active, 196
printing, 193
printing in grayscale, 475
probe, 343
probe attenuation affects channel voltage
range, 157
probe attenuation factor (external trigger), 175
probe attenuation factor for selected
channel, 152
PROBe commands, 446
probe ID, 153, 176
probe sense for oscilloscope, 465, 469
probe skew value, 154, 463
program data, 532
program data syntax rules, 534
program example, 550, 559, 568, 578
program message, 63
program message syntax, 531
program message terminator, 532
programming examples, 3, 549
protecting against calibration, 139
protection, 111, 113, 156, 178
PROTection commands, 446
pulse width, 230, 236
pulse width duration trigger, 348, 349, 353
pulse width measurement, 218
pulse width trigger, 320
pulse width trigger level, 350
pulse width triggering, 313
PWD commands, 446
pwidth, 236
qualifier, 353
QUALifier commands, 446
qualifier, trigger duration, 336, 337, 339
query error detected in Standard Event
Status, 69
query return values, 547
query setup, 193, 204, 218, 299
query subsystem, 182
querying setup, 143
querying the subsystem, 313
queues, clearing, 526
quick reference, commands, 23
quoted ASCII string, 57
QYE (Query Error) status bit, 67, 69
range, 182, 311
RANGe commands, 446
range for channels, 157
range for duration trigger, 340
range for external trigger, 179
range for full-scale vertical axis, 187
range for glitch trigger, 353
range for time base, 306
range of offset values, 151
range of reference level values, 188
range qualifier, 352
ranges, value, 57
rate, 131
RCL (Recall), 74
read configuration, 71
read trace memory, 164
readout, 480
real-time acquisition mode, 124, 129
recall, 74, 257, 299
RECall commands, 257