Programming Examples 9
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 571
' The following commands are not executed and are shown for reference
' purposes only. To execute these commands, uncomment them.
' RUN_STOP - (not executed in this example)
' - RUN starts the acquisition of data for the active waveform
' display.
' - STOP stops the data acquisition and turns off AUTOSTORE.
' Start data acquisition.
' err = viVPrintf(vi, ":RUN" + vbLf, 0)
' Stop the data acquisition.
' err = viVPrintf(vi, ":STOP" + vbLf, 0)
' VIEW_BLANK - (not executed in this example)
' - VIEW turns on (starts displaying) a channel or pixel memory.
' - BLANK turns off (stops displaying) a channel or pixel memory.
' Turn channel 1 off.
' err = viVPrintf(vi, ":BLANK CHANNEL1" + vbLf, 0)
' Turn channel 1 on.
' err = viVPrintf(vi, ":VIEW CHANNEL1" + vbLf, 0)
' TIMEBASE_MODE - (not executed in this example)
' Set the time base mode to MAIN, DELAYED, XY, or ROLL.
' Set time base mode to main.
' err = viVPrintf(vi, ":TIMEBASE:MODE MAIN" + vbLf, 0)
End Sub
' Capture
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' We will capture the waveform using the digitize command.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Capture()
' AQUIRE_TYPE - Sets the acquisition mode, which can be NORMAL,
err = viVPrintf(vi, ":ACQUIRE:TYPE NORMAL" + vbLf, 0)
' AQUIRE_COMPLETE - Specifies the minimum completion criteria for
' an acquisition. The parameter determines the percentage of time
' buckets needed to be "full" before an acquisition is considered
' to be complete.
err = viVPrintf(vi, ":ACQUIRE:COMPLETE 100" + vbLf, 0)
' DIGITIZE - Used to acquire the waveform data for transfer over
' the interface. Sending this command causes an acquisition to
' take place with the resulting data being placed in the buffer.
' NOTE! The DIGITIZE command is highly recommended for triggering
' modes other than SINGLE. This ensures that sufficient data is