
Programming Examples 9
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 585
sngYOrigin = Preamble(8)
lngYReference = Preamble(9)
strOutput = ""
'strOutput = strOutput + "Format = " + CStr(intFormat) + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Type = " + CStr(intType) + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Points = " + CStr(lngPoints) + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Count = " + CStr(lngCount) + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "X increment = " + _
' FormatNumber(dblXIncrement * 1000000) + _
' " us" + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "X origin ="+_
' FormatNumber(dblXOrigin * 1000000) + _
' " us" + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "X reference = " + _
' CStr(lngXReference) + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Y increment = " + _
' FormatNumber(sngYIncrement * 1000) + _
' " mV" + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Y origin ="+_
' FormatNumber(sngYOrigin) + " V" + vbCrLf
'strOutput = strOutput + "Y reference = " + _
' CStr(lngYReference) + vbCrLf
strOutput = strOutput + "Volts/Div ="+_
FormatNumber(lngVSteps * sngYIncrement / 8) + _
" V" + vbCrLf
strOutput = strOutput + "Offset = " + _
strOutput = strOutput + "Sec/Div = " + _
FormatNumber(lngPoints * dblXIncrement / 10 * _
strOutput = strOutput + "Delay = " + _
FormatNumber(((lngPoints / 2) * _
dblXIncrement + dblXOrigin) * 1000000) + " us" + vbCrLf
' QUERY_WAVE_DATA - Outputs waveform data that is stored in a buffer.
' Query the oscilloscope for the waveform data.
myScope.WriteString ":WAV:DATA?"
' READ_WAVE_DATA - The wave data consists of two parts: the header,
' and the actual waveform data followed by a new line (NL) character.
' The query data has the following format:
' <header><waveform_data><NL>
' Where:
' <header> = #800001000 (This is an example header)
' The "#8" may be stripped off of the header and the remaining
' numbers are the size, in bytes, of the waveform data block. The
' size can vary depending on the number of points acquired for the
' waveform. You can then read that number of bytes from the
' oscilloscope and the terminating NL character.
Dim lngI As Long
Dim lngDataValue As Long
' Unsigned integer bytes.