
Programming Examples 9
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 569
' VISA Interface.
' "GPIB0::7::INSTR" is the address string for the device -
' this address will be the same as seen in:
' Start->Programs->Agilent IO Libraries->VISA Assistant
' (after the VISA Interface Name is defined in IO Config).
' err = viOpen(drm, "GPIB0::7::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)
' err = viOpen(drm, "TCPIP0::a-mso6102-90541::inst0::INSTR", 0, 0, vi)
err = viOpen(drm, _
"USB0::2391::5970::30D3090541::0::INSTR", 0, 60000, vi)
' Initialize - Initialization will start the program with the
' oscilloscope in a known state.
' Capture - After initialization, you must make waveform data
' available to analyze. To do this, capture the data using the
' DIGITIZE command.
' Analyze - Once the waveform has been captured, it can be analyzed.
' There are many parts of a waveform to analyze. This example shows
' some of the possible ways to analyze various parts of a waveform.
' Close the vi session and the resource manager session.
err = viClose(vi)
err = viClose(drm)
End Sub
' Initialize
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize will start the program with the oscilloscope in a known
' state. This is required because some uninitialized conditions could
' cause the program to fail or not perform as expected.
' In this example, we initialize the following:
' - Oscilloscope
' - Channel 1 range
' - Display Grid
' - Timebase reference, range, and delay
' - Trigger mode and type
' There are also some additional initialization commands, which are
' not used, but shown for reference.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Initialize()
' Clear the interface.
err = viClear(vi)
' RESET - This command puts the oscilloscope into a known state.
' This statement is very important for programs to work as expected.
' Most of the following initialization commands are initialized by