SMF (Standard MIDI File) playback
In Song Play mode, you can play back Standard MIDI
Files (SMF) directly from media such as floppy disk or
hard disk. You can select this mode if you simply want to
play back the SMF without editing it.
If the EXB-MOSS is installed, the special bank INT-F
can be used in Song Play mode as well. For details on
the bank INT-F parameters, refer to the EXB-MOSS
owner’s manual.
The parameter settings of Song Play mode are not
backed up when the power is turned off. If you wish
to save the program, track parameter, and effect set-
tings of the song, use the page menu command “Save
Template Song” to save them.
While playing back data from a disc inserted in the
CDRW-1 option, do not subject the TRITON STUDIO
to physical shock or vibration.
If you play the keyboard or controllers, the data may
not play back correctly.
The structure of Song Play mode
As shown in the diagram below, Song Play mode consists
of tracks 1–16, effects and arpeggiator.
About SMF
SMF data in format 0 or format 1 can be played back in
Song Play mode.
The TRITON STUDIO recognizes only files with an exten-
sion of .MID as SMF data. Be sure that the filename exten-
sion is .MID.
About MIDI
Track status settings in Song Play mode
You can select whether the musical data played by a track,
or the data produced by operating the TRITON STUDIO’s
keyboard and controllers will sound the TRITON STU-
DIO’s internal tone generator, and/or will sound an exter-
nal tone generator.
When the “Status” of a track is set to INT, the data played
back by that track and the data produced by operating the
keyboard or controllers of the TRITON STUDIO will play
and control the TRITON STUDIO’s internal tone genera-
tor. When the “Status” of a track is set to EXT or BTH, the
data played back by that track and the data produced by
operating the keyboard or controllers of the TRITON STU-
DIO will play and control an external tone generator. (The
MIDI channel of the external tone generator must match
the “MIDI channel” of the TRITON STUDIO track that is
set to EXT or BTH.) With a setting of BTH, the external
tone generator and the TRITON STUDIO’s own tone gen-
erator will be played and controlled simultaneously.
(☞PG p.126)
Synchronization with external devices
In Song Play mode, the TRITON STUDIO will be the mas-
ter (the controlling device) regardless of the MIDI Clock
setting (Global P1: MIDI “MIDI Clock”) (☞PG p.266).
Insert effects, Master effects
The TRITON STUDIO’s effects can be used in the same
way as in Sequencer mode. (☞p.141, PG p.131)
Insert Effect 1 ... 5 : P8
Master Effect 1, 2 : P9
MasterEQ : P9
Controller Setup : P2
Arpeggiator : P7
Routing : P8-1
Insert Effect
Master Effect
Individual Outputs
Track 1
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 2
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 3
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 4
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 5
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 6
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 7
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 8
Setup parameters Musical data
Track 16
Setup parameters Musical data