Presets Page
The Presets page is used to save new presets created on the Audio Settings page (see
figure 74). Presets saved using this HTML page only include the gain controls on that
page. However, presets created using DSPConfigurator include all signal processing
blocks. When saving a preset from the HTML page, be certain not to overwrite those
presets created by DSPConfigurator.
Figure 74. Presets
To recall a preset to be the current configuration, click the button associated with the
desired preset.
NOTE: When presets are recalled using the HTML page, signal processing
adjustments saved as part of the preset (under DSP Configurator control only) are
recalled and overwrite the current audio settings.
When a partial preset is recalled, it overwrites that portion of the current
configuration addressed by the preset, leaving the remainder unchanged.
Special Characters
The HTML language reserves certain characters for specific functions. The device will not
accept these characters as part of preset names, the device name, passwords, or locally
created file names.
The device rejects the following characters:
{space} + ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ " ; : > \ ?
DMP64 • HTML Operation 135