38 ALLEN&HEATH iLive Reference Guide AP6526 iss.3
LIMITER / DE-ESSER (Limiter on Channel
and Mix, De-Esser on Channel only)
This is the last of three dynamics processors
available on every input channel. It can be used
either as a ‘brick wall’ limiter to stop the threshold
level being exceeded or as a de-esser to filter out
the sibilance of a vocal source.
In limiter mode, the input signal is superimposed
on the threshold display dial for quick setting. The
limiter includes a side chain filter for frequency
selective limiting, gain reduction and output meters,
and a histogram to display how much limiting has
taken place over time.
In de-esser mode the threshold display becomes a
yellow bar rather than a dot and the Threshold
control adjusts the amount of de-ess depth
(attenuation) at the frequency set. Use the Ess
control to adjust the frequency to find and tune out
the sibilance. This will vary from voice to voice.
The histogram shows the amount of de-essing that
has taken place over time.
DELAY (Channel and Mix)
Access the Delay page by touching the DELAY box
in the top view channel processing screen. This
shows the delay settings for all inputs so you can
check and adjust the values relative to other
channels. Touch a box to highlight it, then use the
screen encoder to adjust its value. The encoder
has acceleration so you can make big changes by
spinning it fast, and fine adjustments by turning it
slowly. The Setup tab lets you view the settings as
feet, metres or milliseconds. Maximum input
channel delay is 170mS, Mix master delay is