About MIDI
By using a MIDI cable to connect MIDI devices, midi data
can be exchanged between devices even if they are different
models or were made by different manufacturers. For exam-
ple you can use the MS2000/MS2000R to control an external
MIDI device, or conversely use an external MIDI device to
control the MS2000/MS2000R to make it produce sound.
MIDI messages transmitted and
received by the MS2000/MS2000R
MIDI channels
MIDI uses sixteen channels (1–16). MIDI messages can be
transmitted and received when the channel of the receiving
device matches the channel of the transmitting device. The
MS2000/MS2000R normally transmits and receives MIDI
messages on its Global MIDI channel.
The global MIDI channel is set in Global mode Page 3: MIDI
“MIDI Ch.”
Performance data such as note-on/off and pitch bend from
the MS2000/MS2000R is transmitted on the global MIDI
Timbre channel
The number of timbres used will depend on the voice
mode of the program: a Single program uses one, a Split/
Dual program uses two, and a Vocoder program uses one.
A separate MIDI channel can be assigned to each timbre.
The MIDI channel for each timbre is set in LCD Edit mode
Page 03B: VOICE “MIDI ch.”
If you are playing the MS2000/MS2000R by itself, or using
an external MIDI keyboard to play it, set the MIDI channel
of each timbre to be the global MIDI channel (GLB).
If you are connecting an external MIDI sequencer to the
MS2000/MS2000R to play each timbre independently, set
the channel of each timbre to the same channel as the corre-
sponding track on your MIDI sequencer.
Even if the timbre channel is not set to GLB, control
changes assigned to effect parameters, Sync Control,
and Timbre Select will be transmitted and received on
the global MIDI channel.
Note-on [9n, kk, vv], Note-off [8n, kk, vv]
(n: channel, kk: note number, vv: velocity)
When you play the keyboard of the MS2000, note-on/off
messages are transmitted. (On the MS2000R, note-on/off
messages are transmitted when you turn the [KEYBOARD]
key on and press the SELECT [1]–[16] keys.) The note-off
velocity is transmitted at a fixed 64, but is not received.
If the Global mode Page 1C: GLOBAL “Position” is Post-
KBD, note-on/off messages will be transmitted by the
arpeggiator if it is running.
Program change
Program change [Cn, pp]
(n: channel, pp: program number)
When you select a program in Program Play mode, a pro-
gram change message is transmitted with the number cor-
responding to the 128 programs (A01–H16) stored in the
MS2000’s eight banks (A–H).
When the MS2000/MS2000R receives a program change
message, it will select a program according to the settings
of Global mode Page 4F: MIDI FILTER “P.Chg” (program
change map).
If you wish to receive program changes, set Global mode
Page 4A: MIDI FILTER “ProgChg” to ENA. If this is set to
DIS, program changes will not be received.
The MS2000/MS2000R does not transmit or receive
bank select messages ([Bn, 00, mm], [Bn, 20, bb]).
Channel aftertouch [Dn, vv]
(n: channel, vv: value)
If Global mode Page 3D, E: MIDI “MIDI 1” or “MIDI 2” are
set to A.Touch, aftertouch can be used as a modulation
source for a virtual patch of a synth program or for the FC
MOD of a vocoder program. (These messages will be
received on the timbre channel.)
If Global mode Page 6A: PEDAL & SW “A.Pedal” is set to
A.Touch, pedal movements will transmit channel after
messages on the global MIDI channel.
If you wish to transmit and receive channel aftertouch, set
Global mode Page 4B: MIDI FILTER “CtrlChg” to ENA. If
this is set to DIS, channel aftertouch messages will not be
transmitted or received.
Pitch bend
Pitch bend change [En, bb, mm]
(n: channel, bb: lower digits of value, mm: upper digits of
When pitch bend change messages are received, a pitch
bend effect will be applied according to the value set for
LCD Edit mode Page 4D: PITCH “Bend Range.” If Global
mode Page 2D or E: MIDI “MIDI1” or “MIDI 2” are set to
P.Bend, pitch bend can be used as an FC MOD modulation
source for the virtual patch of a synth program or vocoder
program. In this case, the message will act as a modulation
source where mm=64, bb=00 will be 0 (center value) for the
range of –127 – +127. (This message is received on the tim-
bre channel.)
When you move the PITCH BEND wheel on the MS2000,
pitch bend change messages are transmitted on the global
MIDI channel.
If you want pitch bend change messages to be received and
transmitted, set Global mode Page 4C: MIDI FILTER
“P.Bend” to ENA. If this is set to DIS, pitch bend change
messages will not be received or transmitted.