Front panel knob/key control change assignments
Control changes can be assigned to each front panel knob/key of the MS2000/MS2000R so that the changes in sound as con-
trolled by knob/key operations can be transmitted as performance data.
Different parameters are assigned to synth parameters and vocoder parameters.
For programs whose voice mode is Split/Dual, this will apply only to the timbre selected by the TIMBRE SELECT
[SELECT] key if the timbre MIDI channel (LCD Edit mode Page 03B: VOICE “MIDI ch”) is GLB.
Effect parameters are transmitted and received on the global MIDI channel, regardless of the timbre MIDI channel.
If you are using two MS2000/MS2000R units to transmit and receive these parameters, you must set the transmitting
and receiving programs to the same settings.
Synth Parameter Vocoder Parameter Initial Value (transmitted) Value (received)
PITCH Portamento Portamento CC#05
0...127 0...127
Wave Wave CC#77
Wave – – – – – – – – – – – CC#78
0: Saw, 64: Squ, 127: Tr i 0...42: Saw, 43...85: Squ, 86...127: Tr i
Audio in
OSC Mod – – – – – – – – – – – CC#82
0: OFF, 43: Ring, 85: Sync, 127: RingSync
0...31: OFF, 32...63: Ring, 64...95: Sync, 96...127: RingSync
Semitone HPF Level
Tune Threshold CC#19
OSC 1 Level OSC 1 Level CC#20
0...127 0...127
OSC 2 Level Inst Level CC#21
0...127 0...127
Noise Level Noise Level CC#22
0...127 0...127
Type Formant Shift CC#83
Level Level CC#07
0...127 0...127
EG 1
Attack Attack CC#23
0...127 0...127
Decay Decay CC#24
0...127 0...127
Sustain Sustain CC#25
0...127 0...127
Release Release CC#26
0...127 0...127
EG 2
Attack Attack CC#73
0...127 0...127
Decay Decay CC#75
0...127 0...127
Sustain Sustain CC#70
0...127 0...127
Release Release CC#72
0...127 0...127
Wave Wave CC#87
0: Saw, 43: Squ, 85: Tri, 127: S/H 0...31: Saw, 32...63: Squ, 64...95: Tri, 96...127: S/H
Frequency Frequency CC#27
0...127, Tempo Sync=ON; see p.66 0...127, Tempo Sync=ON; see p.66
Wave Wave CC#88
0: Saw, 43: Squ(+), 85: Sin, 127: S/H 0...31: Saw, 32...63: Squ(+), 64...95: Sin, 96...127: S/H
Frequency Frequency CC#76
0...127 0...127
PATCH 1 Intensity – – – – – – – – – – – CC#28
0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
PATCH 2 Intensity – – – – – – – – – – – CC#29
0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
PATCH 3 Intensity – – – – – – – – – – – CC#30
0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
PATCH 4 Intensity – – – – – – – – – – – CC#31
0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
Delay Time Delay Time CC#13
0...127, Tempo Sync=ON; see p.66 0...127, Tempo Sync=ON; see p.66
Depth Depth CC#94
0...127 0...127
LFO Speed LFO Speed CC#12
0...127 0...127
Depth Depth CC#93
0...127 0...127
Saw, 18: Pulse, 36: Tri, 54: Sin, 72: Vox Wave
90: DWGS, 108: Noise, 126: Audio In
0...15: Saw, 16...31: Pulse, 32...47: Tri, 48...63: Sin, 64...79: Vox
Wave, 80...95: DWGS, 96...111: Noise, 112...127: Audio In
Synth; see p.66
Vocoder; 0... 127
Synth; see p.66
Vocoder; 0... 127
Synth; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127:
Synth; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127:
Synth; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127:
Synth; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
Vocoder; 0...127
Synth; 0 / 1: L63, 2: L62...63: L01, 64: CNT, 65: R01...127: R63
Vocoder; 0...127
Synth; 0 / 1: L63, 2: L62...63: L01, 64: CNT, 65: R01...127: R63
Vocoder; 0...127
Synth; 0: 24LPF, 43: 12LPF, 85: 12BPF, 127: 12HPF
Vocoder; 0: 0, 32: +1, 63: +2, 95: –1, 127: –2
Synth; 0...31: 24LPF, 32...63: 12LPF, 64...95: 12BPF, 96...127: 12HPF
Vocoder; 0...25: 0, 26...51: +1, 52...76: +2, 77..102: –1, 103...127: –2
Synth; 0...127
Vocoder; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
Synth; 0...127
Vocoder; 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
Control1 Control1 CC#14
0...127 0...127
Control2 Control2 CC#15
* OSC 1 Wave=DWGS; see p.66 0...127 * OSC 1 Wave=DWGS; see p.66
Cutoff Cutoff CC#74
Resonance Resonance CC#71
0...127 0...127
KBD Track E.F.Sense CC#85
EG 1 Int Mod Int CC#79
0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63 0 / 1: –63, 2: –62...63: –1, 64: 0, 65: +1...127: +63
EG2/GATE – – – – – – – – – – – CC#86
0: EG2, 127: GATE 0...63: EG2, 64...127: GATE
Panpot Direct Level CC#10
Distortion Distortion CC#92
0: OFF, 127: ON 0...63: OFF, 64...127: ON
– – – – – – – – – – –
0: OFF, 127: ON 0...63: OFF, 64...127: ON