Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent
If a device belongs to an IRF fabric, you need to enable the UDP Helper function on it before configuring
it as a DHCP relay agent.
DHCP Relay Agent Configuration Task List
Complete the following tasks to configure the DHCP relay agent:
Task Remarks
Correlating a DHCP Server Group with a Relay Agent Interface Required
Configuring DHCP Relay Agent Security Functions Optional
Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent to Support Option 82 Optional
Correlating a DHCP Server Group with a Relay Agent Interface
To enhance reliability, you can set multiple DHCP servers on the same network. These DHCP servers
form a DHCP server group. When an interface of the relay agent establishes a correlation with the
DHCP server group, the interface will forward received DHCP packets to all servers in the server group.
Follow these steps to correlate a DHCP server group with a relay agent interface:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Configure the DHCP server IP
address(es) in a specified
DHCP server group
dhcp-server groupNo ip
By default, no DHCP server IP
address is configured in a
DHCP server group.
interface interface-type
Map an interface to a DHCP
server group
dhcp-server groupNo
By default, a VLAN interface is
not mapped to any DHCP
server group.