attribute. If you download a valid file with the same name as the deleted file to the flash memory, the file
will possess the main attribute.
Configuring File Attributes
You can configure and view the main attribute or backup attribute of the startup file used for the next
startup of a switch, and change the main or backup attribute of the file.
Follow these steps to configure file attributes:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Configure the Web file and its
boot web-package webfile
{ backup | main }
Available in user view
Switch the file attributes between
main and backup
boot attribute-switch { all | app |
configuration | web }
Available in user view
Display the information about the
app file used as the startup file
display boot-loader [ unit
unit-id ]
Display information about the
Web file used by the device
display web package
Available in any view
z Before configuring the main or backup attribute for a file, make sure the file already exists on the
z The configuration of the main or backup attribute of a Web file takes effect immediately without
restarting the switch.
z After upgrading a Web file, you need to specify the new Web file in the Boot menu after restarting
the device or specify a new Web file by using the boot web-package command. Otherwise, Web
server cannot function normally.
z Currently, a configuration file has the extension of cfg and resides in the root directory of the flash
z For the detailed configuration of configuration file attributes, refer to the Configuration File
Management module in this manual.