
Packet lost in test: 0%
Disconnect operation number: 0 Operation timeout number: 0
System busy operation number: 0 Connection fail number: 0
Operation sequence errors: 0 Drop operation number: 0
Other operation errors: 0
Jitter result:
RTT Number:100
Min Positive SD:1 Min Positive DS:1
Max Positive SD:6 Max Positive DS:8
Positive SD Number:38 Positive DS Number:25
Positive SD Sum:85 Positive DS Sum:42
Positive SD average:2 Positive DS average:1
Positive SD Square Sum:267 Positive DS Square Sum:162
Min Negative SD:1 Min Negative DS:1
Max Negative SD:6 Max Negative DS:8
Negative SD Number:30 Negative DS Number:24
Negative SD Sum:64 Negative DS Sum: 41
Negative SD average:2 Negative DS average:1
Negative SD Square Sum:200 Negative DS Square Sum:161
SD lost packets number:0 DS lost packet number:0
Unknown result lost packet number:0
[device-hwping-administrator-Jitter] display hwping history administrator Jitter
HWPing entry(admin administrator, tag Jitter) history record:
Index Response Status LastRC Time
1 274 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:58.2
2 278 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:57.9
3 280 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:57.6
4 279 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:57.3
5 280 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:57.1
6 270 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:56.8
7 275 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:56.5
8 263 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:56.2
9 270 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:56.0
10 275 1 0 2000-04-02 08:14:55.7
For detailed output description, see the corresponding command manual.
Network requirements
Both the HWPing client and the SNMP Agent are WX3000 series devices. Perform HWPing SNMP
tests between the two devices to test the time required from Switch A sends an SNMP query message
to Switch B (SNMP Agent) to it receives a response from Switch B.