z Displaying the current work directory, or contents in a specified directory
Follow these steps to perform directory-related operations in user view:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Create a directory
mkdir directory
Delete a directory
rmdir directory
Display the current work directory
Display the information about specific
directories and files
dir [ /all ] [ file-url ] Optional
Enter a specified directory
cd directory
z Only empty directories can be deleted by using the rmdir command.
z In the output information of the dir /all command, deleted files (that is, those stored in the recycle
bin) are embraced in brackets.
File Operations
The file system also provides file-related functions listed in the following table.
Follow these steps to perform file operations in user view (except the execute command that should be
executed in system view):
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Delete a file
delete [ /unreserved ] file-url
delete { running-files |
standby-files } [ /unreserved ]
A deleted file can be restored
by using the undelete
command if you delete it by
executing the delete command
without specifying the
/unreserved keyword.
Restore a file in the
recycle bin
undelete file-url Optional
Delete a file from the
recycle bin
reset recycle-bin [ file-url ] [ /force ] Optional
Rename a file rename fileurl-source fileurl-dest Optional
Copy a file copy fileurl-source fileurl-dest Optional
Move a file move fileurl-source fileurl-dest Optional
Display the content of a
more file-url
Currently, the file system only
supports displaying the
contents of text files.
Display the information
about a directory or a
dir [ /all ] [ file-url ] Optional