To do… Use the command… Remarks
Set the format of the time
stamp to be sent to the log host
info-center timestamp
loghost { date | no-year-date |
none }
By default, the time stamp
format of the information output
to the log host is date.
Be sure to set the correct IP address when using the info-center loghost command. A loopback IP
address will cause an error message prompting that this address is invalid.
Setting to Output System Information to the Trap Buffer
Follow these steps to set to output system information to the trap buffer:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Enable the information center
info-center enable
Enabled by default.
Enable system information
output to the trap buffer
info-center trapbuffer
[ channel { channel-number |
channel-name } | size
buffersize ]*
By default, the device uses
information channel 3 to output
trap information to the trap
buffer, which can holds up to
256 items by default.
Configure the output rules of
system information
info-center source
{ modu-name | default }
channel { channel-number |
channel-name } [ { log | trap |
debug } { level severity | state
state } ]*
Refer to
Table 1-4 for the
default output rules of system
Set the format of time stamp in
the output information
info-center timestamp { log |
trap | debugging } { boot |
date | none }
By default, the time stamp
format of the output trap
information is date.
Setting to Output System Information to the Log Buffer
Follow these steps to set to output system information to the log buffer:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Enable the information center
info-center enable
Enabled by default.