To do… Use the command… Remarks
Configure on
the NTP
ntp-service broadcast-server
authentication-keyid key-id
the specified
key with the
ulticast client
Configure on
the NTP
multicast server
ntp-service multicast-server
authentication-keyid key-id
z In NTP broadcast server
mode and NTP multicast
server mode, you need to
associate the specified
key with the
broadcast/multicast client
z You can associate an NTP
broadcast/multicast client
with an authentication key
while configuring NTP
mode. You can also use
this command to associate
them after configuring the
NTP mode.
The procedure for configuring NTP authentication on the server is the same as that on the client.
Besides, the client and the server must be configured with the same authentication key.
Configuring Optional NTP Parameters
Complete the following tasks to configure optional NTP parameters:
Task Remarks
Configuring an Interface on the Local Device to Send NTP Messages Optional
Configuring the Number of Dynamic Sessions Allowed on the Local Device Optional
Disabling an Interface from Receiving NTP messages Optional
Configuring an Interface on the Local Device to Send NTP Messages
Follow these steps to configure an interface on the local device to send NTP messages:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view
Configure an interface on the local
device to send NTP messages
ntp-service source-interface
Vlan-interface vlan-id
If you have specified an interface in the ntp-service unicast-server or ntp-service unicast-peer
command, this interface will be used for sending NTP messages.