
# Create a HWPing test group, setting the administrator name to "administrator" and test tag to "DHCP".
[device] Hwping administrator dhcp
# Configure the test type as dhcp.
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] test-type dhcp
# Configure the source interface, which must be a VLAN interface. Make sure the DHCP server resides
on the network connected to this interface.
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] source-interface Vlan-interface 1
# Configure to make 10 probes per test.
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] count 10
# Set the probe timeout time to 5 seconds.
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] timeout 5
# Start the test.
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] test-enable
# Display test results
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] display hwping results administrator dhcp
HWPing entry(admin administrator, tag dhcp) test result:
Send operation times: 10 Receive response times: 10
Min/Max/Average Round Trip Time: 1018/1037/1023
Square-Sum of Round Trip Time: 10465630
Last complete test time: 2000-4-3 9:51:30.9
Extend result:
SD Maximal delay: 0 DS Maximal delay: 0
Packet lost in test: 0%
Disconnect operation number: 0 Operation timeout number: 0
System busy operation number: 0 Connection fail number: 0
Operation sequence errors: 0 Drop operation number: 0
Other operation errors: 0
[device-hwping-administrator-dhcp] display hwping history administrator dhcp
HWPing entry(admin administrator, tag dhcp) history record:
Index Response Status LastRC Time
1 1018 1 0 2000-04-03 09:51:30.9
2 1037 1 0 2000-04-03 09:51:22.9
3 1024 1 0 2000-04-03 09:51:18.9
4 1027 1 0 2000-04-03 09:51:06.8
5 1018 1 0 2000-04-03 09:51:00.8
6 1020 1 0 2000-04-03 09:50:52.8
7 1018 1 0 2000-04-03 09:50:48.8
8 1020 1 0 2000-04-03 09:50:36.8
9 1020 1 0 2000-04-03 09:50:30.8
10 1028 1 0 2000-04-03 09:50:22.8
For detailed output description, see the corresponding command manual.