Follow these steps to identify pluggable transceivers:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display main parameters of the
pluggable transceiver(s)
display transceiver interface
[ interface-type
interface-number ]
Available for all pluggable
Diagnosing pluggable transceivers
The system outputs alarm information for you to diagnose and troubleshoot faults of pluggable
transceivers. When these parameters are abnormal, you can take corresponding measures to prevent
transceiver faults.
Follow these steps to display pluggable transceiver information:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the current alarm
information of the pluggable
display transceiver alarm
interface [ interface-type
interface-number ]
Available for all pluggable
Displaying and Maintaining the Device Management Configuration
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the module type and
operating status of each board
display device [ manuinfo |
unit unit-id ]
Display CPU usage of the
display cpu [ unit unit-id ]
Display the operating status of
the fan
display fan [ unit unit-id
[ fan-id ] ]
Display memory usage of the
display memory [ unit unit-id ]
Display the operating status of
the power supply
display power [ unit unit-id
[ power-id ] ]
Display system diagnostic
information or save system
diagnostic information to a file
with the extension .diag into the
flash memory
Display enabled debugging on
the current device
display debugging [ unit
unit-id ] [ interface
interface-number ]
[ module-name ]
Available in any view