
Specifying input parameters
Using LCDS Print Description Language 2-5
Forms control buffer (FCB) and vertical format control
The 3211 and 4245 forms control buffer (FCB) defines channel
positions and forms length. You may restrict the forms control
buffer information by accepting or suppressing the normal
processing of host transmitted FCB input. To suppress
processing of FCB input, specify FCB=IGNORE in the LINE
The vertical format unit (VFU) in the JSL and the FCB sent from
the host interact as follows:
When you start a job, the VFU table and its associated
Bottom of Form (BOF) in the JDE become active.
If no VFU is specified in the JDE, the last FCB sent from the
host becomes active.
When a DJDE is used to change a channel assignment, any
previous assignments to the channel being changed are
suspended until the end of report. At the end of report, DJDE
changes are discarded and the last active FCB or VFU
becomes active again.
When operating system software is reinstalled or upgraded,
the FCB saved on disk is reinitialized to the length of 66 lines
with the following channel assignments:
The default corresponds to the STD2 default supplied by
If a Print and Skip to Channel command is sent for an
undefined channel, the system executes a Print and Space 1
Print position
indexing (non-U.S.
markets only)
The print position indexing (PPI) byte determines whether lines
should be shifted horizontally. If either the sixth bit or the seventh
bit of the first byte in the loaded FCB is on, the byte is a PPI byte,
and the lower five bits indicate the amount of shift.
For example, if the first byte is 0 x 48 (01001000), each line shifts
seven (0x48^0x1f -1) character spaces to the right (the sixth bit
indicates that the shift is to the right).
Table 2-1. Default channel assignments made at installation
Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Line 4101622 283440 465258 6466