Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Using LCDS Print Description Language 5-49
JDE DJDE: points to note
• The new JDE that is specified in the JDE DJDE JDEid
parameter is the “selected JDE.”
• In a DJDE packet containing a JDE DJDE, other record or
page oriented DJDEs included in the packet override
parameters specified in the indicated JDE. (Refer to
“Restrictions on job parameter modification” in the “PDL
principles and procedures” chapter, for further information.)
• If only a JDE DJDE (no JDL DJDE) is specified in the DJDE
packet, the system uses the JDL most recently specified in a
DJDE in this report. If no JDL was specified in any DJDE, the
system uses the JDL that is specified on the LCDS Setup
Specifies the JDL to be invoked at the next page boundary.
Type Page oriented
Syntax JDL = JDLid
Table 5-39. JDE DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
JDEid Job Descriptor Entry identifier.
Name of the JDE that will be used within the current or selected JDL at the next
page boundary. This is called the “selected JDE.”
Table 5-40. JDL DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
JDLid Job Descriptor Library identifier
Name of the JDL to be invoked at the next page boundary.