Using logical processing
Using LCDS Print Description Language 3-9
Example 4 The TABLE command below sets up the character to type
associations shown in the following table.
A logical test using this TABLE command examines a field of an
input data record to determine if the following conditions are met:
•The word DATE is present.
•The / is in the right place.
• The date itself is numeric (type 1).
• The string ID is present.
• The first three characters after ID are alphabetic (type 2).
CRITERIA command
The CRITERIA command specifies that a test for a particular
logical function will be performed on a specific field in the record.
This command requires an identifier, which is specified with the
TEST parameter in any of the logical processing commands.
Specific TEST parameters are described in the individual logical
processing command sections.
CRITERIA command modes
There are three formats or modes for CRITERIA commands:
Constant mode, Change mode, and Value mode. You select the
mode by specifying either the CHANGE parameter, the
CONSTANT parameter, or the VALUE parameter of the
CRITERIA command in your JSL.
NOTE: A command may specify only one mode. However,
CRITERIA TABLES may specify either Change mode, Constant
mode, or both functions; there are no restrictions on their usage
or combination in tables.
T2: TABLE MASK=('*',':','!'),
CONSTANT=('DATE ::/::/:: ID!!!');
Table 3-6. Character to type associations
type Meaning
0 * None Make no comparison
1 : 1 Any numeric (0 through 9)
2 ! 2 Any alphabetic (A through Z, a through z)