Using logical processing
3-44 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Table 3-33. RPAGE SIDE parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
sideopt In duplex (with no BFORM), sideopt produces the following results:
NUFRONT The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page on a new
BACK The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page of the next
available back.
NUBACK The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page on the
back of a new sheet.
NEXT The specified logical page is positioned as the first logical page on the
next available side, the back of the current sheet or the front of the next
The logical page is moved unless it is already properly positioned as the
first logical page on the specified side.
In simplex, or in duplex with BFORM: The sideopt parameter is forced to NUFRONT, and the
specified page is positioned as the first logical page.
If the logical page is already properly positioned, a blank sheet is not created.
offsetopt The available offsetopt parameters are:
OFFSET The sheet on which the repositioned logical page occurs is offset in the
output stacker.
NOFFSET No offset occurs.