Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
5-22 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Specifies Collated or Uncollated mode for printing.
Type Page oriented
Syntax COLLATE = {YES | NO}
COLLATE DJDE: point to note
The COLLATE DJDE takes effect at the next page boundary but
must occur before the first data record of the report.
Specifies the number of copies of a report to produce.
Type Page oriented
Syntax COPIES = number
Table 5-15. COLLATE DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
YES Specifies that report copies are to be printed in Collated Mode. (Copies are
printed in complete, ordered sets.)
NO Specifies that report copies are to be printed in Uncollated Mode. (All copies of
each page are printed and stacked together; that is, all copies of page 1 are
printed first, then all copies of page 2, etc.)
Table 5-16. COPIES DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
number Number of copies of a report to produce.