Glossary-4 Using LCDS Print Description Language
CME copy modification entry. Entry modifying the output printing
characteristics of a report on a copy-to-copy basis.
collate To arrange or assemble into ordered sets.
compiler Software that translates instructions written in high-level
language into machine language for execution by a system.
concatenate To connect or link in a series, as when files are grouped together
for faster processing. See also job concatenation mode.
Supplies such as paper and dry ink that are depleted (used up)
during the course of normal printer operation.
coordinate Point on the x and y axis that determines a grid position.
copy-sensitive Term used to indicate jobs in which multiple copies of a report
will contain different data, as with paychecks and banking
cpi characters per inch. Designates the number of characters per
inch for a particular typeface. See also pitch.
CPU central processing unit. Interprets and executes instructions,
performs all operations and calculations, and controls input and
output units and auxiliary attachments.
database Information to meet specific processing and retrieval needs.
Generally applies to integrated file of data, arranged for access
by many subsystems.
data rate In data communications, the rate at which a channel carries
data, measured in bits per second (bps).
DCE data communications equipment
DDCMP Digital Data Communication Message Protocol
debug To detect and correct errors in a program.
decompose To break down into component parts, such as when Interpress
breaks down a Font Interchange Standard (FIS) master to
compile font information.
descender Portion of alphabetic character that extends below the baseline.
See also ascender, x height.
DFA Document Feeding and Finishing Architecture
DJDE Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry. Command within an input data
stream used to modify the printing environment dynamically.
dot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for
example, 300 dots per inch (dpi). It may also be referred to as a
picture element (pixel) or spot.
dpi dots per inch