Using LCDS Print Description Language Glossary-7
HCS high-capacity stacker. Stacker bin capable of holding 2500
sheets of 20 pound/75 gsm paper. In the LPS, the high-capacity
stacker bins are located in the top half of the feeder/stacker
hexadecimal Numbering system with a base of 16. In this system, 10 through
15 are represented by A through F, respectively.
HFDL host forms description language
hierarchy Relative priority assigned to arithmetic or logical operations that
must be performed.
HIP Host Interface Processor
host Computer accessed by users which serves as a source of high-
speed data processing for workstations with less computer
host interface Connection between network and host computer.
hpos horizontal positioning
id identifier. Character used to identify or name data and possibly
to indicate certain properties of that data.
IFU Interpress font utility
IG image generator
IGM image generator module
image area Area on a physical page that may contain text or graphics.
initialize 1. To prepare the magnetic surface of a blank diskette so that it
can accept data. 2. To set all information in a computer system
to its starting values (usually the first step is accomplished when
a program is booted).
input/output General term encompassing the flow of data into and out of a
interface Device by which two systems connect and communicate with
each other.
interpolation Series of logical rules implemented in the printer to convert a 300
spi input video stream to a 600 spi output video stream.
Interpolation is functionally analogous to bit doubling (2x
scaling), except the logical rules result in superior output.
Interpress Xerox standard that defines digital representation of lines for
printing. Interpress documents can be printed on any sufficiently
powerful printer equipped with Interpress print software.
Interpress font
utility (IFU)
Program used to convert FIS fonts to LPS fonts.