Using PDL commands for graphics
6-4 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Batch mode In Batch mode, the input stream contains graphics that will be
imaged, one per page, with either default or specified imaging
options. Batch mode graphics are processed the same as Block
mode graphics. In Batch mode, only one graphic is imaged on
each page (for example, forms may not be invoked in Batch
mode). This feature may be invoked by the GRAPHICS
parameter of the OUTPUT command.
Formats for graphic data
There are four possible formats for jobs that incorporate
graphics. If you are loading the graphics from magnetic tape, the
graphics tape must be formatted appropriately for the format
being used. The formats are:
• Random Mode Only format
• Document Interleaved format
• Page Interleaved format
• Batch Mode format
Random Mode
Only format
To transfer .IMG files from a tape to the system disk independent
of printing (Random Mode Only format), use the controller user
interface LCDS Media Resource Manager window. (Refer to the
online help on your controller for the procedure.)
Interleaved format
In this format, a report data stream begins with a set of one or
more graphics before the first record of text. These graphics are
copied one at a time to named .IMG disk files. When the report
has finished printing, the .img files created are automatically
deleted, unless you have explicitly specified otherwise.
A document interleaved graphic report tape must be formatted
as follows:
• The tape format may be any legal fixed or variable length
block, or in a record format that is supported by the DP 2000
Series EPS; that is, BLOCK or RECORD STRUCTURE = F,
FB, V or VB. It may not be an undefined block or record
format, that is, RECORD STRUCTURE = U or UB. Packed
data formats are not supported.
• Each graphic must be preceded immediately by a GRAPHIC