Offline specifications
D-6 Using LCDS Print Description Language
NOTE: Characters in the ASCII file name and type fields must
be in the RAD–50 (Radix-50) character set. The following table
defines the RAD-50 character set.
Table D-3. Content of tape records
Byte range Information contained in record Additional information
00–02 File name If not used, must be zero.
04 File type (RAD–50)
06 File size in 512–byte blocks
10 First free byte
12 Date (DOS format) Not used
14 Record size in bytes 80 for text; otherwise, 512
16 Tape block size in bytes
20 Reserved for future use
22–32 ASCII file name (9 characters). Currently only 6–character file
names are supported.
Unused file name characters
must be filled with 0.
33-35 ASCII file type
42–176 Contain 0
177 ASCII * (052)
200–777 Contain 0
Table D-4. RAD–50 character set
Octal value
Octal value
decimal value
(space) 040 000 000
A–Z 101–132 001–032 1–26
$ 044 033 27
. 056 034 28
(undefined) 035 29
0–9 060–071 036–047 30–39