Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Using LCDS Print Description Language 5-27
Controls the stock on which the page is printed.
“FEED=stockreference” must refer to a stock assigned to a
‘stockname’ by the STOCKSET command in effect at the time
the page is printed.
Type Page oriented
Syntax FEED = {MAIN | AUX | OPR | ‘stockname’ | stockreference}
Specifies the starting point of the file data from the beginning of
the user portion of a data record.
Type Record oriented
Syntax FDATA = offset, termination
Table 5-21. FEED DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
AUX Specifies that the page will feed from the tray(s) assigned to the AUX stock.
MAIN Specifies that the page will feed from the tray(s) assigned to the MAIN stock.
OPR Equivalent to MAIN
‘stockname’ Specifies the name of the stock from whose assigned tray or trays the next
sheet will feed for printing. (Must be placed in single quotation marks.)
This option bypasses the reference feature, but still requires that the
stockname be specified as it appears in the current STOCKSET.
(FEED=stockreference is the recommended usage.)
stockreference Specifies the term (usually descriptive) that has been associated with the stock
from whose assigned tray or trays the next sheet will feed for printing.
This option allows you to change stocks associated with a job without altering
the stock references in the data application itself.