Specifying print format parameters
Using LCDS Print Description Language 4-103
After the above commands are compiled by PDL, a .TST file
is created. In the example above, the file would be named
“ROUTE1.TST.” You can then access this file by name with
the ROUTE command (RTEXT= rtextid) from a JDL or with a
DJDE. For this example, the RTEXT parameter would be
coded as follows:
You must specify RFORM, if it is needed, along with the
reference to the RTEXT file (RFORM is never catalogued
with RTEXT). This allows you to select different RFORMs in
different JDEs with the same RTEXT information.
ROUTE command example
Following is an example of how to use the ROUTE command:
The text USER1 and USER2 will print in the center of a page
preceding the respective copies of a two copy report. The page
is 132 columns by 66 lines.
STOCKSET command
The STOCKSET command defines a set of stocks to be used in
a report. Stocksets are also the means of associating stock
references with stock names. For the DP EPS, a stockname or
stockreference functions the same as a cluster does on other
Xerox laser printing systems. Stock names and associated trays
are specified at the controller, using the Stock Manager windows.
An identifier of the type ac (at least one alpha character) is
specified to name the stock set. This identifier is used
(referenced) by the OUTPUT STOCKS parameter in JSLs to
select that group of stocks.
ROUTE RTEXT=(‘USER1',1,33,64),