Specifying input parameters
2-64 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Specifies the code translation table that will be used in
interpreting the tape label.
Syntax VOLUME LCODE = {keyword | id | NONE}
Default EBCDIC
Specifies whether undefined labels (LABEL=UNDEF) are
packed or unpacked.
Syntax VOLUME LPACK = option
Table 2-68. VOLUME LCODE parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
keyword Specifies a specific, standard, system-defined code translation table. The
available options are:
• USER (Refers to the single unlabeled CODE command allowed within the
JDE or JDL.)
NOTE: You must specify the variable identifier id to correspond to the
identifier label that was assigned to the defining CODE command.
id Specifies a variable identifier that you use in the CODE command to refer to a
specific user-defined code translation table. The identifier id is required when
multiple CODE commands are contained within the JDL.
NONE Specifies that data will not be translated by input processing. For example, you
select NONE for XPPI jobs that contain metacodes.