Using logical processing
Using LCDS Print Description Language 3-27
BANNER command: points to note
• Field content captured via HJOBNO and HRPTNA is
translated using the CODE table in effect when the record
containing them is processed.
• The following table shows the effect of the TCOUNT and
HCOUNT parameters of the BANNER command under the
conditions listed, and the results of each.
BANNER command examples
Following are examples of the BANNER command.
Example 1 The following commands define the BANNER criteria for a job
with two trailer pages and one header page. A string of 120
asterisks beginning in position 1 of line 66 occurs on header and
trailer pages.
Table 3-20. Summary of BANNER command parameter conditions and results
Condition Parameter Result
System positions to Top of
Form after processing the
end of the report.
If TCOUNT= 0 The page after the first header is positioned at TOF.
If TCOUNT not 0 The page after the last trailer is positioned at TOF.
A job is running with header
pages only as the offset
TCOUNT = 0 Job parameters such as DJDEs and page
numbering for a given report are applied to the first
header page of the following report.
The system encounters a
page other than a banner
TCOUNT = 0 The next banner page is treated as the first header
of a new report, even if HCOUNT is not satisfied.
The system encounters a
non-banner page before
HCOUNT is satisfied.
HCOUNT not 0
TCOUNT not 0
The system assumes that the report has fewer
header pages than were specified and begins
looking for trailer pages.
T1: TABLE CONSTANT=(120)'*';