Specifying print format parameters
Using LCDS Print Description Language 4-63
parameter: points
to note
• The number of logos that are allowed on a page varies
depending on the structure of the logo and the amount of
available dynamic memory space. If there is not enough
dynamic memory available for the number of logos specified
for a given page, an error message is generated.
• Existing .LGO (logo) files and restricted RES format .LGO
files are printed in black by highlight color printers unless
inkrefs are specified in the INKS parameter.
If an inkref in the list is omitted, you must use commas to
maintain the relative positioning of the remaining ink
references. If more than two inkrefs are specified, the
additional inkrefs are ignored.
• If any of the inks that will be substituted were specified in the
logo definition with a NOSUBSTITUTION parameter, the
system processes the ink requests according to what was
specified in the ABNORMAL ISUBSTITUTE parameter.
Specifies CMEs that will be associated with report copies.
Syntax OUTPUT MODIFY = {(cmeid [, init [, copies]]) | NONE}
Default NONE
Table 4-63. OUTPUT MODIFY parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
cmeid copy modification entry identifier.
The identifier or file name of a CME.
init initial copy
Specifies the initial copy to which the associated CME is to be applied. If no
initial copy is specified, the CME applies to all copies.
copies Specifies the number of plies (passes) on which apply the CME will be applied.
If copies is not specified, the CME applies to all copies beginning with the copy
number specified by init.
NONE Specifies that data are processed without modification.