Using logical processing
3-4 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Logical processing commands that have TEST parameters
The logical processing commands with TEST parameters are
listed below. Each individual command should be specified only
once per job descriptor entry. If any one command is specified
more than once, the last occurrence is used without notification
of any error.
Commands that define criteria and constants
The following table summarizes the commands that define
constants that can be specified in logical processing commands.
TABLE command
The TABLE command builds a table of constants, which can be
referenced by logical processing commands. (TABLE is the first
command discussed in this section because it is usually coded
before the other types of commands that are related to logical
Table 3-1. Summary of commands that define logical criteria and constants
Command Function
TABLE Builds a table of constants against which input data fields are checked
to determine if a logical processing function will be performed.
CRITERIA Specifies criteria for testing data records against constants or values.