Using logical processing
3-38 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Default No default
RFEED command: points to note
• Satisfaction of the RFEED criteria causes the current page to
feed from the tray assigned to the stock defined in the
RFEED command.
• If a criterion is met, the stock name remains in effect until the
next RFEED criterion are met or a new report is processed.
• RFEED is not available as a DJDE. Instead, the FEED DJDE
is available for similar functions. (Refer to the FEED DJDE
• In a multiple RFEED criteria command, the order in which the
test expressions are specified makes a difference in the job
application. After a test is satisfied, the system ignores
RFEED checking for the rest of the page. RFEED checking
resumes when a page transition occurs.
Consider the following example:
Table 3-28. RFEED TEST parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
testexp References a criteria table to be used to test for conditions that will cause the
stock defined by the stock parameter option to feed for the next page.
Refer to “Coding a test expression,” earlier in this chapter, for the format and
syntax of a testexp.
stock Defines the stock whose assigned tray(s) will be used for the page, (either a
stock name or a stock reference).