Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
5-40 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Table 5-29. GRAPHIC DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
name Identifies the graphic.
If document interleaved, it becomes the file name with which the .IMG file is
If page interleaved, it is used to associate the graphic with other DJDE
vpos vertical position.
Specifies the amount of vertical spacing of the top edge of the graphic from 0,0
on the physical page.
hpos horizontal position.
Specifies the horizontal spacing of the left edge of the graphic from 0,0 on the
current physical page.
units Unit of measure for the vertical and horizontal positions of the graphic. The
following may be used:
• UN (unit defined by the user)
• CM (centimeters)
• IN (inches)
• XDOTS (DOTS for 600 spi processing)
If UN is specified, the user defined positioning unit must be previously defined
by the OUTPUT UNITS command in the current JDE or JDL.
The default positioning unit is IN.
Specifies that the same graphic is to be held and imaged without further
callouts at the same position and with the same scale factor at all subsequent
pages until changed by a DJDE CANCEL or ALTER DJDE.
n/d numerator/denominator
Specifies the reference scale factor. Each option, n and d, must be an integer
in the range of 1 to 8, thereby allowing a reference scale factor in the range of
1/8 to 8. The reference scale factor is multiplied by the internal scale factor of
the image.
INKS Specifies that the ink references that follow will override the inks that were
defined in the image file.
inkref ink reference
Specifies the inks that override the corresponding inks specified in the ink list of
the image file.