Specifying print format parameters
4-94 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Default (.18 IN, .66 IN)
parameter: points
to note
• When specifying the location of the beginning of a print line
on a logical page, view the page in the orientation (landscape
or portrait) in which it will be printed.
• Structure your variable data in the same order that the logical
pages are defined, using either spacing or skipping printer
carriage controls to move from one logical page to the next.
Generally, a Skip to Channel 1 parameter is the easiest way
to position to the next logical page.
• Each online banner page is positioned as the first logical
page on a new physical sheet (if the BANNER TYPE
parameter specifies BANNER).
• ROFFSET causes the logical page containing the matching
criteria to be the first logical page of a new physical sheet.
• Page numbering occurs on each logical page, rather than
each physical page.
• Commands that specify line numbers, such as CRITERIA,
VFU, CME, and NUMBER, refer to the line on the current
logical page (ranging from TOF to BOF).
Table 4-84. PDE BEGIN parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
vpos vertical position
Specifies the vertical position of the first character of the first print line of
the logical page relative to the top edge of the physical sheet. It must be a
decimal number with up to four digits to the right of the decimal point; for
example, 0.5634 or 2.35.
The default vertical position is .18.
hpos horizontal position
Specifies the horizontal position of the first character of the first print line
of the logical page, relative to the left edge of the physical sheet. All
specifications are rounded to the nearest dot (1/300 of an inch) for
positioning of the logical page.
The default horizontal position is .66.
unit Specifies the unit of measure for the distance from the edge of the
physical sheet to the first character of the first print line. The choices are:
• IN (inches)
• CM (centimeters)
The default unit of measure is IN.