PDL principles and procedures
1-40 Using LCDS Print Description Language
In addition to typeface, style, and size, a font can be defined by
its orientation:
• Landscape
• Portrait
• Inverse landscape
• Inverse portrait
Custom fonts, signatures, and logos may be ordered from Xerox
through your sales representative.
Overriding PDL commands
The system default values are listed in the “PDL command and
DJDE summary” appendix. The printing system uses the
defaults for parameters you do not specify in the JSL. When you
are creating a JSL, you do not have to code the command
parameters for which your jobs specify the defaults.
NOTE: Some parameters have no defaults. If you do not specify
a value for these, they are not included in the job description.
DJDEs do not have default values.
The coding may be further simplified by placing commands
common to more than one job at the catalog command level.
The PDL processor evaluates user coded commands and
applies the highest priority, error free definition to the job for
printing. This process, termed the “hierarchy of replacement,” is
discussed in the subsequent paragraphs and illustrated in the
“Command override sequence” figure.
The following figure shows a diagram of the command override