
Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
5-54 Using LCDS Print Description Language
MARGIN DJDE: points to note
A value must be specified as an integer (nnn), if its valuetype
is character positions (POS).
The options for the MARGINS DJDE are the same as for the
LINE MARGIN command.
Specifies a copy modification entry (CME) to be used in report
Type Page oriented
Syntax MODIFY = {(cmeid [, init [, copies]]) | NONE}
MODIFY = cmeid
Table 5-44. MARGIN DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
value Specifies the distance from the left edge of the logical page (as indicated by the
BEGIN value currently in effect) to the left margin. Has the format nnn.mm (a
positive decimal number with up to 2 digits to the right of the decimal point).
valuetype Unit of measure for the margin value. Available unit options are:
IN (inches)
CM (centimeters)
POS (character positions)
The default value type is POS.
Table 5-45. MODIFY DJDE options and definitions
Option Definition
cmeid copy modification entry identifier
References a previously created CME file (filename.cme).
The default is NONE.
init initial copy
Specifies the first copy of the report to which the CME will be applied.
If init is not specified, the CME is applied to all copies.