Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Using LCDS Print Description Language 5-55
MODIFY DJDE: points to note
• Any CME invoked by a DJDE must be catalogued separately
(refer to “Catalogued CMEs” in the “Specifying print format
parameters” chapter, for further information).
• The MODIFY DJDE takes effect at the next logical page
• The MODIFY DJDE parameters are the same as those for
the OUTPUT MODIFY command.
• For the DP 2000 Series EPS, copy variant CMEs (also called
“copy sensitive CMEs”) are not supported. Multiple copy
output yields duplicate copies of copy 1. Only the CME that
applies to copy 1 appears, and it appears on all copies.
Specifies page number properties and occurrence. This DJDE
takes effect at the next logical page boundary.
Type Page oriented
Syntax NUMBER = {(pnum, lnum, cnum [, [findex] [,inkref]]) | NO}
copies Specifies the number of plies (passes) on which to apply the CME. If copies is
not specified, then the CME applies to all copies beginning with the copy
number specified by init.
NONE Specifies that no CMEs will be applied; data is processed without modification.
Table 5-45. MODIFY DJDE options and definitions (Continued)
Option Definition