Using logical processing
3-18 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Default All lines
Defines test specifications for a logical processing function with
the Value mode criterion.
Use the CRITERIA VALUE parameter to compare two numeric
values. The system returns a true value if the variable text data
satisfies the test criteria.
Syntax ac: CRITERIA VALUE = (offset, length, {EQ | NE | LT | LE | GT |
GE}, tabid)
Table 3-10. CRITERIA LINENUM parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
init initial line
An integer specifying the number, on each logical page, of the beginning line
for which the CRITERIA command is evaluated.
count An integer specifying the consecutive number of lines (starting with the initial
line) for which the CRITERIA command is evaluated.
Table 3-11. CRITERIA VALUE parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
offset The offset in bytes (relative to zero) from the start of the user portion of the
data record to the field with the character string that is specified in the
associated TABLE.
NOTE: Offset may be a negative value.
length The length in bytes of the test field. Its range is 1 to 255.
NOTE: This length may differ from the length of the associated TABLE
CONSTANT string.
EQ Indicates the operation “equal.”
NE Indicates the operation “not equal.”
LT Indicates the operation “less than.”
LE Indicates the operation “less than or equal.”
GT Indicates the operation “greater than.”