Specifying input parameters
2-8 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Input processing offline
For offline operations, the input medium to the printing system is
magnetic tape, which may be recorded in one of a variety of
standard vendor formats. Offline printing is handled by the Tape
Client software, which is an optional part of the DocuSP system
To submit a tape job, you set up the job on the Tape Client
window on the controller and click [START]. The job is submitted
to the printer through the Socket or LPR gateway. (Refer to the
Tape Client Job Submission Guide, delivered with your system,
for job setup and submission procedures.)
As a programmer, you define the tape input deblocking and
record format parameters that reduce physical tape blocks first to
logical records, then to print lines.
You can also select special processing commands that facilitate
report processing by performing logical functions on the input
Before selecting the PDL commands that will describe a specific
job tape, you need to understand certain tape structure
concepts. These concepts enable you to define job tape
characteristics such as host format, block and record structure,
tape translation code, packed data formats, and so forth.
Host computer tape formats
The printing system processes input tapes produced by those
standard hosts that are discussed in appendix D, “Offline
specifications,” in this manual. The HOST parameter of the
VOLUME command enables you to select a specific input tape.
The format of each tape is described in the Xerox LPS Tape
Formats Manual, which is delivered with your printing system.