PDL principles and procedures
Using LCDS Print Description Language 1-27
Examples of JOB
Following are some examples of job commands.
A JOB or JDE command remains in effect until another JOB or
JDE command or an END command is encountered. The
identifier in a JOB or JDE command, as in JOB2, JOB3, or JOB4
in the previous example, is used with the identifier on the JDL or
SYSTEM command to initiate a print job.
Coding job or JDE level commands
The commands discussed in this section are usually coded at
the JOB or JDE level of the JSL, because they normally vary by
individual job. However, you may want to code them at the
catalog level if you have grouped jobs together that have the
same characteristics as defined in the commands.
Defining stock
There are several ways to specify paper stocks with PDL. One
method is the STOCKSET command, which can be referenced
in lower level commands. Each formatted page is then
associated with the active STOCKSET command and the active
OUTPUT FEED parameter. If no FEED parameter is specified,
the INIFEED parameter of the STOCKSET command takes
• Use the OUTPUT command and the PAPERSIZE and
SYSPPR parameters to specify physical and system paper
size. The OSTK and TRANS parameters allow you to specify
tab or transparency stocks, and the NTO1 parameter enables
you to instruct the printer to print the last page of a report first.
• The FEED parameter of the OUTPUT command can either
specify a stock reference assigned in the STOCKSET
command or bypass this referencing and specify a stock
name called out in the current STOCKSET.
• The INIFEED parameter of the STOCKSET command is the
default if no OUTPUT FEED parameter is present.