7 – Track editing–UNDO and REDO
TASCAM 788 Digital PortaStudio 71
Items above the “undo” line are visible and you can
redo them until you perform another action after the
undo operation.
For instance, if you decided that you wanted to have
another go at repairing the lead guitar bridge…
You could undo all items up to item 7:
…and then re-record the guitar bridge.
After this, though, if you wanted to restore the vocal
tracks which we’d recorded, you wouldn’t be able to.
The new recording would replace everything above
the line”.
RECORDING 12 This is yet another retake of the lead vocal
RECORDING 11 Another attempt at the whole of the lead vocal
AUTO PUNCH 10 A try to correct a bad note in the lead vocal
RECORDING 9 First try at the lead vocal
AUTO PUNCH 8 Repairing the bad guitar bridge
>RECORDING 7 Recording the guitar solo
RECORDING 6 Piano (alternative part)
RECORDING 4 Guide vocals
RECORDING 3 Bass line
COPY->PASTE 2 Looping the drum part
RECORDING 1 Basic drum loop
START UP 0 Beginning of song
AUTO PUNCH 8 This was the second go at repairing the bridge
>RECORDING 7 Recording the guitar solo
RECORDING 6 Piano (alternative part)
RECORDING 4 Guide vocals
RECORDING 3 Bass line
COPY->PASTE 2 Looping the drum part
RECORDING 1 Basic drum loop
START UP 0 Beginning of song
All the previous item
s have now