MENUS 6-19
When you select either choice, you’ll see a confirmation screen. Se-
lect Yes to reset ZephyrExpress.
— About... When you select this item, you’ll see a screen like this:
V1.2.1/2.36 is the version number. 16.07.1998 12:39 reflects when
the software was compiled.
If your ZephyrExpress’ About screen shows a lower version number,
you have old software. If yours shows a significantly higher version
number, this manual is probably out-of-date. In either case, contact
Telos customer support.
Safe mode menu
The first item in this menu is the Safe Mode Setup. See page 6-6.
The other items in this menu can be set to Block or Allow, to determine whether a user
can change the settings for that item when SAFE MODE is turned on from the back panel.
See section 3, Hardware, and the front of this section for details.
— Codec Locks the Codec menu
— Audio Locks the Audio menu
— ISDN Locks the ISDN menu
— System Locks the System menu
— Channel assign Locks the front-panel MIC, LINE, and MONITOR routing buttons
— Manual dial Prevents the user from manually entering a phone number to dial.
— Autodial Prevents the user from dialing a preprogrammed number. This is
most useful when using a contact closure or logic level to initiate a call
through the Panic Dial feature.
— Safe Setups See Setups, page 6-6
Locked menus are still viewable from the menu system, even when SAFE MODE is
on. They just can’t be changed. This is so a remote user can report the settings of
a unit without changing the lock mode.