
Part II:
Fast Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions
This section covers common operating issues. Chances are it’ll tell you all you need to
know about setting up ZephyrExpress and using it in the field. Scan through the topics
now, so you’ll know what you can find here.
Of course, the rest of this manual will tell you a lot more about ZephyrExpress, teach you
how to use the system more efficiently, and turn you into an all-around ISDN and audio
coding guru. Please don’t ignore it.
This section also appears in the handy Mini-Manual that came with
ZephyrExpress. We recommend you keep that booklet with the unit, and bring it
along on remote broadcasts.
Blank Screen?
If ZephyrExpress’ LEDs light when you first apply power but the LCD screen appears
dark, or the LCD screen lights but no characters appear, the last user may have left its
brightness or contrast at an extreme setting. To reset:
Press the DROP button and hold that button in while turning the
Edit knob clockwise to reset the backlighting. It may take a few turns.
Press the DIAL button and hold that button in while turning the Edit
knob either direction to change the LCD Contrast.
The Basics
The EDIT knob can be turned to scroll through menus or enter choices. It can
also be tapped in toward the front panel, just like a push button, to confirm
a choice.
When the Status screen is showing, turning or tapping the EDIT knob brings
up the help screen.
1: What do I do if I’m totally lost?
Press the HELP button on the right side of the front panel, near the Edit knob.
Different Help screens will appear, depending on what you were doing when you
pressed it.
To exit Help, tap the EDIT knob in towards the panel and you’ll return to the screen that
was displayed when you pressed help.
To exit any other screen and return to the main Status screen, press and hold the EDIT
knob in for at least three seconds.