
Pad bank 66
Pad sensitivity, adjusting the 73
Pads 10, 55
Pan 25, 48
[PAN] key 11, 48, 49
Patch level 75, 80
Patches 21
Insert effect patches 75
Importing patches from another
project 84
Patch list 106
Send/return effect patches 81
[PATTERN] key 9, 56
[PEAK] indicators 8, 20
[PHANTOM ON/OFF] switch 13
Phantom power supply 13
Ping-pong recording 37
R] key 12
Post-fader 54
Power, turning off the 16
Power, turning on the 15
[POWER] switch 13, 15, 16
[PRE AMP/DRIVE] key 9, 79
Pre-count, changing the length of the 73
Pre-fader 54
Preview function 31
Project 17, 85
Checking the size of a project 86
Copying a project 87
Creating a new project 86
Editing the project name 87
Erasing a project 87
Loading a project 86
Protecting a project 87
Storing a project 88
Project menu 18, 85
Punch-in/out function 33
Quantization 67
Rear panel 12
[REC LEVEL] control 8, 20, 47
O] key 12
Recorder 29
Recorder section 6, 29
Recording level 20
Remaining time for recording,
checking the 86
Repeat playback 32
[REVERB SEND] key 11, 48
[REVERB] key 9, 81
T] key 12
[RHYTHM] key 9
Rhythm pattern 55
Changing the tempo of a
rhythm pattern 57
Selecting and playing a
rhythm pattern 56
Rhythm pattern Edit menu 67
Rhythm Pattern mode 56
Rhythm pattern screen 56
Rhythm pattern, creating a 66
Recording on a rhythm pattern 67
Selecting the track to record 66
Specifying a chord of a
rhythm pattern 69
Rhythm pattern, editing a 70
Adjusting the drum/bass
volume balance 70
Copying a rhythm pattern 71
Erasing a rhythm pattern 71
Editing the name of a rhythm
pattern 71
Loading a rhythm pattern
from another project 72
Rhythm section 7 ,9, 55
Rhythm song 18, 55
Rhythm Song mode 19, 56
Rhythm Song screen 58
Rhythm song, creating a 58
Inputting chord data 60
Inputting other data 62
Inputting rhythm pattern data 58
Inputting tempo data 62
Playing a rhythm song 63
Rhythm song, editing a 64
Copying a specific region
of measures 64
Erasing a rhythm song 65
Loading a rhythm song from
another project 72
Transposing the entire rhythm
song 65
Rhythm utility menu 72
[SCENE] key 10, 51
Scenes / the Scene function 51
Deleting a scene 52
Recalling a saved scene 52
Saving a scene 51
Switching scenes automatically 52
Scrub function 31
SCSI board 5, 13
Send level 48
Send/return effects 7, 26, 74
Editing a patch 82
Editing the patch name 83
Selecting a patch 81
Storing a patch 83
Side panel 13
Song Position Pointer 91
[SONG] key 9, 56
Status keys 10, 22
Stereo link 50
P] key 12
Swap 44
Tempo 57
[TEMPO] key 10, 57
[TIME BASE] key 10, 29
Time display 29
Timing Clock 89, 90
[TOTAL] key 9, 79
Track edit menu 38
Track editing 38
Copying a specified region of
data to another location 38
Copying the data of an entire
track 40
Erasing a specified region 42
Erasing the data of an entire
track 43
Exchanging the data of entire
tracks 43
Moving a specified region of
data to another location 40
Track mixer 46
Adjusting the effect depth 50
Adjusting the volume/pan/EQ 49
Linking two channels 50
Transport section 12
Tuner 92
[UNDO/REDO] key 12, 44
USB board 5, 13
[V-TAKE] key 10, 35
V-takes 35
Editing the name of a V-take 36
Switching the V-takes 35
ZERO[U] key 12