
Configuring SNMP 141
The comm-string can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long, with no
spaces. You can configure up to 10 community strings.
The access level specifies the read-write privileges of the community
read-only—An SNMP management application using the string can
get (read) object values on the switch but cannot set (write) them. This
is the default.
read-notify—An SNMP management application using the string can
get object values on the switch but cannot set them. The switch can
use the string to send notifications.
notify-only—The switch can use the string to send notifications.
read-write—An SNMP management application using the string can
get and set object values on the switch.
notify-read-write—An SNMP management application using the
string can get and set object values on the switch. The switch can use
the string to send notifications.
To clear an SNMP community string, use the following command:
clear snmp community name comm-string
The following command configures community string switchmgr1 with
access level
WX1200# set snmp community name switchmgr1 notify-read-write
success: change accepted.
Creating a USM User
for SNMPv3
To create a USM user for SNMPv3, use the following command:
set snmp usm usm-username
snmp-engine-id {ip ip-addr | local | hex hex-string}
access {read-only | read-notify | notify-only | read-write |
auth-type {none | md5 | sha} {auth-pass-phrase string |
auth-key hex-string}
encrypt-type {none | des | 3des | aes} {encrypt-pass-phrase
string | encrypt-key hex-string}
To clear a USM user, use the following command:
clear snmp usm usm-username