Configuring MAPs 217
The current software version might not support all of the countries listed here.
To verify the configuration change, use the following command:
display system
The following commands set the country code to US (United States) and
verify the setting:
WX1200# set system countrycode US
success: change accepted.
WX1200# display system
Product Name: WX1200
System Name: WX1200
System Countrycode: US
System Location:
System Contact:
System IP:
System idle timeout:3600
System MAC: 00:0B:0E:02:76:F6
Boot Time: 2003-05-07 08:28:39
Uptime: 0 days 04:00:07
Fan status: fan1 OK fan2 OK fan3 OK
Temperature: temp1 ok temp2 ok temp3 ok
PSU Status: Lower Power Supply DC ok AC ok Upper Power Supply missing
Memory: 115.09/496.04 (23%)
Total Power Over Ethernet : 32.000
Uruguay UY
Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN
Table 14 Country Codes (continued)
Country Code