Enabling Prioritization for Legacy Voice over IP 403
If you are upgrading a switch running MSS Version 3.x to MSS Version
4.x, and the switch uses ACLs to map VoIP traffic to CoS 4 or 5, and you
plan to leave WMM enabled, 3Com recommends that you change the
ACLs to map the traffic to CoS 6 or 7.
You must map the ACL to the outbound traffic direction on a MAP port,
Distributed MAP, or user VLAN. An ACL can set a packet’s CoS only in
these cases.
You can enable legacy VoIP support on a VLAN, port group, port list,
virtual port list, Distributed MAP, or user glob. You do not need to disable
WMM support.
Enabling VoIP
Support for TeleSym
To enable VoIP support for TeleSym packets, which use UDP port 3344,
for all users in VLAN corp_vlan, perform the following steps:
1 Configure an ACE in ACL voip that assigns IP traffic from any IP address
with source UDP port 3344, addressed to any destination address, to CoS
queue 6:
WX4400# set security acl ip voip permit cos 6 udp any eq 3344
2 Configure another ACE to change the default action of the ACL from
deny to permit. Otherwise, the ACL permits only voice traffic that
matches the previous ACE and denies all other traffic.
WX4400# set security acl ip voip permit any
Table 35 WMM Priority Mappings
IP ToS DSCP 802.1p CoS
0 0 0 0 0 0 Background
3 3 0x60 24 3 3
1 1 0x20 8 1 1 Best Effort
2 2 0x40 16 2 2
4 4 0x80 32 4 4 Video
5 5 0xa0 40 5 5
6 6 0xc0 48 6 6 Voice
7 7 0xe0 56 7 7