This chapter describes the Quality of Service (QoS) features supported in
MSS and how to configure and manage them.
About QoS MSS supports Layer 2 and Layer 3 classification and marking of traffic,
and optimized forwarding of wireless traffic for time-sensitive
applications such as voice and video.
Summary of QoS
QoS features are configured in radio profiles and service profiles.
Table 26 lists the QoS features in MSS.
Table 26 QoS Parameters
QoS Feature Description Configuration Command
QoS parameters configured in the radio profile
QoS mode Method used to classify and mark
traffic, and to select forwarding
queues on MAPs. One of the
following modes can be enabled:
SpectraLink Voice Priority
Voice-Extension, for NEC handsets
(the default)
Wi-Fi Multimedia
set radio-profile qos-mode
See the following:
“QoS Mode” on page 330
“Changing the QoS Mode”
on page 342
WMM powersave
Unscheduled Automatic Powersave
Delivery (U-APSD). U-APSD enables
clients that use powersave mode
to more efficiently request
buffered unicast packets from
MAP radios.
set radio-profile