The following commands configure a service profile called vowlan-wpa2
for RSN:
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa ssid-name phones
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa wpa-ie enable
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa auth-dot1x disable
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa auth-psk enable
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa psk-raw
WX4400# set service-profile vowlan-wpa attr vlan-name v1
Configuring a Radio Profile
MSS has a default radio profile, which manages all radios by default.
Some of the radio parameters require changes for voice traffic. You can
modify the default radio profile or create a new one.
Some radio settings that are beneficial for voice traffic might not be
beneficial for other wireless clients. If you plan to support other wireless
clients in addition to voice clients, 3Com recommends that you create a
new radio profile specifically for voice clients, or use the default radio
profile only for voice clients and create a new profile for other clients. The
examples in this section modify the default radio profile for voice clients.
To create or modify a radio profile for voice clients:
Map the service profile you created for the voice SSID to the radio
Change the delivery traffic indication map (DTIM) interval to 3.
Change the QoS mode to SVP. (This also disables WMM.)
Configure MAPs, if not already configured.
Map radios to the radio profile and enable them.
The following commands modify the default radio profile for SVP phones:
WX1200# set radio-profile default service-profile vowlan-wpa2
WX1200# set radio-profile default dtim-interval 3
WX1200# set radio-profile default qos-mode svp
The MAP radios are already in the default radio profile by default, so they
do not need to be explicitly added to the profile. However, if you create a
new radio profile for voice clients, you will need to disable the radios,
map them to the new radio profile, then reenable them.